Monday, August 17, 2015

Chapter 11: Death and Demons

The burly young Bahr-Bahr with a flaming red beard and hair tinted black with tar  hovered over the lone woman and her new born,  enraged with the truth that gradually sank in.  Dorag had not only been duped by a sole member of their enemy, butt a young woman heavy with child AND in labour!  He would never live  this  down.   His lips stretched back in a hate filled grimace, Dorag  picked up the infant by the heels and poised the dagger to the babies heart while Jayah watched helplessly.

Never before had Dorag felt such a strong desire for cruelty and revenge, having always taken pride in being more humane than most Bahr-Bahr hunters, killing their enemy with swift accuracy.

Jayah's eyes closed, her body becoming limp and lifeless.  It was all too much, physical pain was something she could endure, but watching the slaughter of her baby by a merciless lot was too much and so her mind simply took charge,  slowly bringing her to the point of death.  Before departing she lingered for a moment in semi unconsciousness, and that's when she heard the gurgling roar, as though a great distance away.  She was aware enough to know that the tide had risen, bringing with it waves that crashed with formidable power, churning the boulders and stones that lay within the cave, the echoing sound was like that of a charging Ursus, hence why her  people  named the outcrop of land, Ursus Minorica.  Jayah felt the tug of the spirit world and she moved with the flow, eager to move away from pain, her spirit separated, drifting upward from its earthly existence.

Dorag's body had suddenly become rigid, the look of cruel hatred wiped clean and  shocked disbelief taking its place.  He wondered if his eyes were deceiving him, so he brought the now squalling infant closer for a better look and then stumbled backward.  He had never seen such a bizarre sight-- the face… the body!  Dorag let the infant slip through his grasp and started to back away, sheer horror now etched on his face, and in the next moment he turned and fled as though chased by demons.

Though Dorag was regarded as the most fearless of Bahr-Bahr hunters, he was nothing of the sort at that moment.  For as long as he could remember, he had been well prepared for any of the gruelling deaths that could possibly await him, but nothing prepared him for what he could now plainly see.  Many of the other Bahr-Bahr hunters who had lagged behind Dorag were now huddled near the lonepine,, visibly shaken by the gurgling roar that took them off guard.  Trying to peer through the fog they desperately sought their leader, when suddenly they glimpsed him in a mad run heading back toward the pass.  They weren't about to stick around to find out what had traumatized their fearless leader, trusting that only a demon could evoke such fear.  

There was no warning, the lightning and thunder were simultaneous and struck with a force that shook the entire knoll.   The Bahr-Bahr hunters who had just left their huddle in hot pursuit of their leader didn't stand a chance, the mighty pine that was their refuge exploded into a splintering mass off debris.  Some of the Bahr-Bahr instantly met their death,  either speared and ppegged to the ground by great chunks of wood or  blown  off the cliff.   Only  three  including Dorag had been lucky enough to make it over the cliff and onto the path of safety.

Jayah was aware that she was drifting upward toward the realm of spirits and she was at peace welcoming the thought when she heard the distant crack of lightning and a shaking-- she was still connected to the earth and her body albeit by a thread.  She was about to continue her journey when she wondered why her baby wasn't with her. So she looked back.  Jayah was high enough above the knoll that she could see nearly all: she saw her pale lifeless body nestled in the shallow crevice, protected from all that had transpired in the blink of an eye.   The lone pine obliterated in the wake of destruction lay scattered about in shards.  She could see the dead bodies, and she felt their spirits soar past, oblivious to her own spirit presence.  She saw the remaining Bahr-Bahr hunters scurry precarious down the path to join up with those who had remained behind at the base of the knoll, and then watched as they ran off into the woods.  On the other side of the knoll Jayah watched as her clans people made their way, her beloved mate, Atar, was already  nearing the crest of the cliff's western face, and  Yahnnah too was there to, beginning her ascent.    They were coming to her rescue.  Jayah's heart gave a tug and her spirit moved from the border of the spirit world and closer toward earth   beforre moving again, following the powerful flow leading to the spirit world.

Jayah  looked for her baby expecting to find it's young spirit helplessly wandering and trying to make it's way behind her,  but instead, she heard it's cry.  Her child  was still alive, somewhere in the deep moss, alone...and   alive!!

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